This is the 100% work version tested,it can work well.
Support Windows7,Windows 8 and Windows 10.
After payment,you will get the download link on the payment page,if you can not get download link,please contact us ([email protected]).
Note:Make sure your interface cable support K-line and your vehicle is VDO cluster
How to use VAG EEPROM Programmer V1.19g?
- Open .bin file. Write EEprom (Encrypted). Hopefully this clears the error and you can continue.
- Set Newmode. In this mode, you can read SKC if you Read EEprom (Decrypted).
- Convert current mileage into kilometers. Enter in lower right box.
- Set Kilometer.
- Set Back to Adapted Again.
- Go through VCDS to adapt. SKC for new cluster is 01412.
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