5 Common Problems on the 4 Generation Honda CR-V SUV

4th generation Honda CR-V which is model years 2012-2016. In this instruction, we’ll show you the top 5 most common problems that you may find on this generation of the CR-V. We also offers tips and suggestions on how you can resolve or repair these problems yourself.

If you want to know more about Honda, please refer to Honda Trouble Repair.


No.1 The AC Compressor

Ac compressor is underneath the alternator, at the bottom of the engine and it’s driven by the drive belt right there.


When the internal components of the ac compressor start to go bad. You are going to get metal particles throughout the ac system. That’s going to be difficult to clean and can be expensive and you may need other components replaced because the system has been compromised. Some of the symptoms you’re going to find is your ac not working properly, it’s probably not as cool as normal or it doesn’t work at all.


No.2 Automatic Transmission

The symptom you will notice that is a harsh shift from first to second. In that case what you might to do a flush the transmission and replace the linear solenoid that may fix your problem. If not there may be other internal damage components in the transmission and it needs to be overhauled or replaced.


No.3 Front Brake Rotors

While you’re driving the vehicle down the road and you go to stop your steering wheel shaking back and forth a little bit or the brake pedal is jumping up and down, this can be caused by the brake rotors being warped or thickness variation which basically means if the rotor looks like a record and the record was kind of wavy as you’re going down the road when you put the pads on it, it’s going to go with the waves. In some cases the brake rotors can be machined back to true or they need to be replaced.


No.4 Oil Pressure Switch


Oil pressure switch is near the valve cover. You may notice oil leaking from this area most likely it’s just the switch and it’s got to be replaced. It’s always a good idea to check the valve cover and see if that could be the culprit but a lot of times it’s just a switch.


No.5 Water Leaking into Cab


There is a water leak on the carpet. Carpet’s wet on the driver’s side or also on the passenger side


Here is water is actually dripping past the cowl and into the vehicle the repair for this is to reseal the cowl.


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