How to Solve Ford IDS “Selection not available” Error

Several days ago,two of Auto Car Repair Blog reader sent email to me,ask about how to solve Ford IDS software Selection not available trouble.And versions of they using are v79 and v84.Here I share it here,hope it can solve yours.

Note:Try below method at your own risk.

Ford IDS Selection not available

Ford IDS Free Download

Ford IDS Software Installation Guide (Original & Crack)



Ford IDS Selection not available Solution:

Method 1:

Download Ford Extending Programming.rar file from below link!EFkX0BxD!1bWGRIMJkM3GAgIJ2H33zji1i9Rysi1ZGsqJ3PDAZc4

After downloading,use this tool to activate the reprogramming mode.


Method 2:

To fix module programming use regedit. In hkey_local_machine_software_ford motor company there is a IDS key. Open it and you’ll find a date when IDS was installed. Change that date to less than 120 days old. Even change to a future date and module programing will work fine.

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