Benz SLA GLA TSA Speed Limit Assist for Certain Carlines

Since 2009 the speed limit assistant was integrated quiet rudimental.He does regconize the speed limits but not the clearing speed limits.This function has been given by a software update. And some additional signs are recognizted as well.

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Later this system has been upgraded to the TSA (raffic Sign asst).

This system recognized “do not overtake” signs and oneway signs.

Both systems work similar.

After two km the limit is deleted if it is not repeated

Now a small abstract:

Requirement is the cam in the windshield.

But not every cam works.

For example the nightvision cam is not suitable

The multifunctioncam does 3 fucntions

The Stereocam has even more functions

A basic variant is the ILS and IHC.

This cam is not able to recognize signs.

This cam just regulates the full beam

The premium variant doe the IHC and the SLA or TSA and lane assist

Just cars with a lane assist may have activated the Sign recognizion by coding

All other need to have some options changed.


Some details:

The sign recognition was available with the production beginning off the W212 and W221/W216.

Requirements for the carlines:


Lane asstist Code 238/476

Comand Code 512/527

Newer carlines do not need anymore the command.


Lane astsist or Drivers assistance plus Code 238/476/233/238

The signs are shown in the HUD as well of course:

And now a list of the not so cheap retrofits cause a hardware change need to be done:


Lane assist Code 238/476

Comand needs to be retrofited.


IHC Code 608

Comand Code 512/527

Change of cam


without IHC Code 608 oder lane assist Code 238/476

cam needs to be retroftted together with a chnage of the windshield and some wiring

Comand still needed.


IHC Code 608

cam change


without IHC Code 608 oder lane assist/driver assistance Plus

Code 238/476/233/238

cam needs to be retrofitted togetehr with new windshield and wiring


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