What is BMW Coding Tool?
BMW Coding Tool is software used for update your Daten files for you. Only replacing the files that require replacing and skipping the files that don’t. Very easy!! Updating of new SP-daten files can be a pain. A lot of copy, paste and adjusting files. Manually and/or with Total Commander.
BMW Coding Tool System Requirement:
Window XP/Window 7/Window 8/Window 10 (Windows 32 or 64bit OS)
How to Use BMW Coding Tool?
First we need to set our default folders for NCSExpert, WinKFP, and EDIABAS. Follow the bellow screen shots!!
Once all the folders are set we can now proceed to updating our SPDatens. Doing this by selecting the “Select SP-source” button and then select the folder with the new SPDaten. I always like to start with the earliest model which is E36.
Now that we have set our SPDaten path we can now select the “Update SP-daten” button.
Only all NEWER files will be copied from:
also update of files in …\NCSEXPER\DATEN
You will notice the files that have been replaced will display update –> **.** and the ones that did not require updating will display remain –> **.**
In my case as displayed in the image below all will show remain because I have already updated them.
I don’t recommend using this for WinKFP as my own tests and reports have shown that when updating a model for example E89, due to a glitch/bug in this version it deletes all other models expect for the one you just updated. However for those who don’t mind doing this for each model here are the steps…
Select the “Update WinKFP” button and all folders will be copied and replaced from:
also update of SGIDC.AS2 in …\EC-APPS\NFS\DATA\GDATEN to adjust the “long lines”
backup’s of all folders are saved as …\name_date_time
BMW Coding Tool v2.5.0 Free Download:
BMW INPA 5.06 + EDIABAS 7.3.0 + NCS Expert 4.0.1 + WinKFP 5.3.1 + BMW Coding Tool v2.5.0 + NCS Dummy free download ALL HERE!
How to Solve BMW Coding Tool V2.5 MSCOMCTL Error:
For those who get a MSCOMCTL.OCX error… please download the MSCOMCTL Error Fix.zip and follow the instructions
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