Caterpillar Engine High Interlock to Low Interlock Flashing Guide

This post show a guide on how to flash a Caterpillar engine from high interlock file to a low interlock file.


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1) Locate the file (or equivalent file) that is currently on the ECM in your collection;copy and paste this file to a location that is easy to find if you should have to return the ECM to its original flash.
2) Locate the flash file that the driver wants installed to the truck and copy and paste this file into the same location as the original file. Memorize or write down which is the original and which is the new one.
3) Determine whether the ECM on the truck is a 40-pin or 70-pin.
3a) If the ECM is a 40-pin, locate flash file# 125-8005. Copy and paste this file into the same location as the first two files.
3b) If the ECM is a 70-pin, locate flash file# 177-7013. Copy and paste this file into the same location as the first two files.
4) Open the WinFlash utility in CAT ET. Depending on if your ECM is a 40-pin or 70-pin, select either flash file# 125-8005 or 177-7013 and click “Begin Flash.”
5) Once the flash is completed successfully and WinFlash displays the dialogue box saying so, click “Return to CAT ET.” Navigate to the “Configuration” screen and scroll down to “System Settings.” The value box next to “Personality Module Code” should say “NOT PROGRAMMED.” Double click this box and you will be prompted with a dialogue box asking if you are sure you want to program this parameter. Click yes and another dialogue box will appear asking you to enter Factory passwords. Continue as you would normally; entering the factory passwords (HIGH INTERLOCK PASSWORDS NOT REQUIRED) into their respective blanks and clicking “Okay.” After a brief pause, the Personality Module Code should program to an interlock under 300.
6) Once this is complete and the Personality Module Code is successfully programmed, navigate back into WinFlash.
7) Now, select the file that you located in step 2 and click “Begin Flash.”
8) Once the flash is completed successfully and WinFlash displays the dialogue box saying so, click “Return to CAT ET.” Navigate to the “Configuration” screen and scroll down to “System Settings.” The value box next to “Personality Module Code” should say “NOT PROGRAMMED.” Double click this box and you will be prompted with a dialogue box asking if you are sure you want to program this parameter. Click yes and another dialogue box will appear asking you to enter Factory passwords. Continue as you would normally; entering the factory passwords (HIGH INTERLOCK PASSWORDS NOT REQUIRED) into their respective blanks and clicking “Okay.” After a brief pause, the Personality Module Code should program to the interlock code for the file you selected in step 2.
9) In the configuration screen, navigate to the “Selected Engine Rating” parameter group and expand it. Double click in the value box next to “Rating Number”.Make sure that the rating desired is selected as the current rating. If it is not,select the rating you want and click “Okay.”
The truck should now be programmed and you will have avoided the need for a “HIGH INTERLOCK FACTORY PASSWORD.”


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