This instruction show you the main procedures on DTS Monaco coding for Mercedes Benz pedal characteristic curve-faster engine response.
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How to Install Mercedes Benz DTS Monaco Software
#1 (Lastschlagdaempfung) The is the most important one. This parameter seems to be the main culprit for the inconsistent feeling throttle response and sluggishness. and I believe it causes the wonky throttle body adaptations wFuch I find so awful.Disabling it has removed most,if not all delay in throttle input.It is referred to as “Ioad-reversal damping” in Vediamo (german), but it is the “Throttle Change Damping” parameter in Xentry. I changed this parameter about a month after the others,and it defimtely had the most significant impact on throttle response,and now the throttle is very consistent in performance. I believe this parameter is more directly related to the actual throttle body than the cjas pedal, unhke the next parameter.
#2 (Pedalkennlime) This is the pedal curve parameter. My car had KLD4 as default. You can play with this, and possible leave it at KLD4. However, I changed it to KLD2. Rom what I understand, KLD2 is meant for cars with a manual transmission, and as such. rd expect ttie pedal curve to be the most “natural” feeling to the driver. In contrast, I believe KI_D4 is more responsive,but ‘jumpier” (more erratic in terms of throttle input). Combining KLD4 with disabling the throttle change damping parameter may be undesirable in terms of comfort/consistency.
#3 (Momentenbegrenzung) this is the torque limit parameter. The main effect l’ve observed from disabling this is that the car doesn’t reduce throttle/torque as much while cornering anymore. and the car seems to accelerate slightly faster from a standstill than before. May not be necessary to fix throttle delay, but I find it favourable.
#4 (Mornentenerhoehung Getriebe) *This may already be set to the MSG option* This parameter is supplementary to #3. Like MrScott describes in his video, it allows the engine ECU to monitor torque output and send it to the transmission, but keeps it within safe/comfortable limits. I find this parameter to improve gear shifts very slightly; torque input and acceleration remains very steady throughout gear shifts. I believe it very slightly improve acceleration, even compared to only having the torque limiter disabled. Do not change this to the GS6 setting. Doing so resulted in some very uncomfortable shifting.I’m not sure if there’d be a long term effect on the gearbox here, so just don’t as a precaution. The option highlighted in black is the default setting – the ECU is not allowed to increase torque to ttie gearbox depending on measurement.
ECU: CR43, MED177 or other Engine ECU
Hard reset sollte hinterher durchgefuhrt werden
Hard reset should be performed afterwards
Both Zugriffberechtigung functions activated/needed
Engine needs to be turned off
Forum comments for this coding:
okay I successfully coded sm271de20 with latschlag,momentbegrezung and pedalideine. I can note. that car became a lot fastar. Also before coding I flashed ECU to the latest version. So if you got opportumty to do that – is a must.
I changed from KLDl (v221) to KLD3 (rz30) and deactivated the lastschlagdampfung.
Big difference, car is more sportive and feels quicker
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