This instruction show you guide on how to solve Fendt MT800E tractor SCR system malfunction. NOx emission is too high.
Code SA 00 SPN 4090 FMI 16
SCR system malfunction. NOx emission is too high.
Diagnosis and solution
Clear the error log.
Restart the engine module.
If the fault code shows again during the next driving cycle, check the following.
Check the quality of the DEF. If the DEF is bad, flush the DEF tank and fill with good DEF.
Check the DEF system. Make sure the SCR system can dose DEF.
Replace the DEF dosing module. If the system is correct and the fault code is not active, the original DEF module is bad.
Check the SCR catalyst. Remove the dosing valve and check the catalyst. Check for possible deposit problems or possible obstruction.
If you want more repair cases for Fendt tractor,please refer to Fendt Tractor Trouble Repair
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