This instruction will show you step by step guide on how to fix the trouble code BAS ESP C212A and C2205 steering angle sensor on Chrysler 300, Dodge Charger, Jeep Liberty.
If you have these two code on the ESP BAS
Then it hasn’t gone off after you turned the wheel two times to the left, two time to the right, put it back in the center.
When those codes come on,that probably wrong is the steering angle sensor which is inside of steering wheel. You may purchasing a clock spring which I’ve heard people have done, or replace steering angle sensor. But before you do that, follow my procedure that may prevent you from not opening steering wheel and much more easy to do.
Buy a Torx T30 screwdriver at least three or four inches long
Put the steel up and then push the lever, there is a hole under the steering wheel
Put in screwdriver, turn to the left five and a half rounds.
Grab the steel wheel on the left side and then push forward.
Meanwhile go back the hole under the steel wheel, tighten it six times or until you think it’s tight enough.
Turn the ignition on, turn the wheel to the left, then turn it all the way to the right, then back in center.
Driver it for a couple miles, lights will go off.
More information about SAS, please click to STEERING ANGLE SENSOR(SAS) TROUBLE REPAIR.
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