This instruction show you how to do linear valve offset function via Zenith Z5 on 2020 Toyota Avalon Hybrid. This function is required after replacing ABS ECU, stoke sensor, or brake actuator in the ABS system.
Click “TOYOTA”–”Automatic selection”, Z5 will scan the vehicle information automatically
After scanning, click “OK”
Click “Chassis”
Scroll down and click “ABS/VSC”
Click “Special Function”
Click “ECB Utility”
Click “F4” to access “Linear Valve Offset” function
Click “OK” to proceed
If the brake actuator or stroke sensor has been replaced, make sure to perform “Back Up Memory Clear” function before this calibration.
Confirm the required conditions for calibration. When you are ready, click “OK”
Note that the ABS and Brake warning light will blink during calibration.
This calibration will take 2 minutes. While the calibration is in process, do not press the brake.
Waring lights will stop blinking after pressing the “OK” button.
Confirm the lights are not blinking.
Function has been completed successfully.
More Toyota cases, please refer to Toyota Repair.
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