Ford Transit equipped with DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) system,and it will occur error and show P246C trouble code.If you follow service manual to replace DPF,it will cose you much money,and other way to fix this error–Turn OFF/disable DPF.
This instructions show you guide on how to turn off/disable DPF for Ford Transit.It is required you with skills,try it at your risks!
What you need in this case?
Remove ECU from Ford Transit, it equipped with SID208 ECU from 2016-2021
Run KTAG software,select “PROTOCOLS”
After then follow the diagram to build connection
Select “Backup”,and click “Read” button
After then save file on your local PC
You need get below files
Click “Enable” button.
Load the full backup file show as below picture
After loading,KTAG will unlock file,then generate three new files show as below
Select “SID208”
Load “aPatch.MPC” file (MPC format)
It will identify “aPatch.MPC” file automatically,and prompt with Window ask you if want to remove DPF,click “OK” and save the new file
Last step,use KTAG load the new file generated by DPF EGR Remover and write it back to ECU.
Now all done.
More repair case on Ford,pls refer to:Ford Trouble Repair
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