Some SDM Airbag modules allow clearance of the deployment record without replacing the SDM module.Here i want to share the guide on how to use OPCOM to clear airbag deployment record.
Newest OPCOM VAUX-COM All Version Free Download
Astra-H / Zafira-B
- Choose SDM Airbag
- Read faultcodes
- Choose Programming
- Choose Clear deployment record
- Select parameters from dropdownlist
- Choose Start activation
- Close communication with SDM Airbag module and disconnect the interfacefrom car
- Lock the car using the remote
- Wait at least 15 seconds
- Unlock the car using the remote
- Reconnect to the SDM Airbag module
- Clear faultcodes from SDM Airbag module
- The interior light will stay on now
- Disconnect negative terminal from battery
- Wait at least one minute
- Reconnect the negative terminal to battery
- Interior light will work fine now
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