This is a real customer feedback on Hyundai Santafe 2014 BSD system coding by Autel MaxiSys.His Hyundai get fault code:C270354 and the dashboard show “Check BSD System” warning massage.And for more Hyundai repair,please check here:Hyundai Trouble Repair.
Connect Autel MaxiSys device (Autel MK908P recommended) to Hyundai OBD port and perform Auto Scan to find the trouble code show as below.
Back to menu to select “Special Function”
Select “BSD Radar Calibration”
This function set BSD Radar after replacement.
This calibration procedure will clear any ‘Missing Calibration’ DTCs which allows the Radar Sensors to go through the Self Alignment Procedure.
The Sensors continually self-align while the vehicle is driven.
It may take up 30 seconds.
It will not allow cancelation of the process.
Press [OK] button to continue
After the it will prompt you with massage “After IG OFF and IG ON”
Now BSD Radar Calibration coding has been completed.
Now you can back to read the trouble code again,there is no fault codes detected.
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