Categories: Auto Repair

Jaguar XF 2011 DPF Regeneration by G-Scan 2 Diagnostic Tool

This article show a guide on how to use G-Scan 2 to perform DPF regeneration for Jaguar XF 2011 3L diesel engine.And for more G-Scan 2 test report,please check here:G-Scan 2 Test Projects.



Build connection between G-Scan 2 and Jaguar XL by OBD port,then enter menu to select [DIAGNOSIS],then select vehicle model [JAGUAR],model [XF],year [2010-2011]–>[PCM]–>[Diesel]


Then select [Special Function]

Select [Diesel Particulate Filter Dynamic Regeneration]

The function carries out a forced diesel particulate filter dynamic regeneration.

This will only occur if the soot mass present in the filter is below a set upper limit.

The function will determine the soot mass and if it is above the upper limit this function will terminate and you will be instructed to replace the particulate filter.

If it below the upper limit the forced regeneration will be performed.

Be advised that this is a two man operation ad G-scan must remain connected to the vehicle whilst the regeneration is carried out.

Set the ignition switch to ON position (position 2)

To enable the forced dynamin regeneration to function the vehicle must be driven above 40 KPH (2 MPH).The process should take approximately 15 minutes.

The engine operating temperature must be above 60 degrees.

The vehicle must be kept above the required speed for the duration of the procedure.If the speed drops below the required level for 5 minutes or more,the soot mass will stop decreasing and the function must then be re-started.

The vehicle must be driven to the required speed and OKk button must be pressed when this is achieved.

Be advised that this is a two man operation and G-Scan must remain connected to the vehicle whilst the regeneration is carried out.

To enable the forced dynamin regeneration to function the vehicle must be driven above 40 KPH(25 MPH).The process should take approximately 15 minutes.

The vehicle must be driven to the required speed and the OK button must be pressed when this is achieved.

Press OK to continue when ready to start the function.

This procedures will continually read the engine temperature until correct operation condition are met 61℃ or 141.8 ℉.

When the engine temperature up to 61℃,it will show you with below massage:

Active diesel service function

This function will force the engine management system to perform a diesel pariculate filter regeneration.Press [OK] to continue

Active diesel service function

Now active diesel service function is ready

After 30 minutes driven,press OK to continue

This procedure will read the particulate filter soot mass value

This procedure will continually read the particulate filter soot mass value

You now you can the the Soot Mass Value 2.7 g/l

Press [OK]

The soot mass in the particulate filter is now at the acceptable lower limit.

Stop the vehicle safely at the next available opportunity,place in PARK and turn off the ignition .

Press [OK] to continue

Make sure the ignition is switch off

Module initialization

Please wait while the module initializes

Set the ignition switch ON (position 2),then press [OK]

Switch the ignition to off position again

Switch the ignition to ON position again

Forced regeneration completed successfully



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