Here is the instruction show you guide on how to solve Massey Ferguson tractor 6700 EEM4 SPN 3, FMI 14, Number of injections is limited by quantity balance of high pressure pump error.
EEM4 monitoring system is monitoring the fuel quantity balance of the high pressure pump and injections is being limited.
Possible causes are:
The function checks whether the hydraulic delivery rate of the high pressure pump in use is sufficient for the desired injections and returns the maximum number of injections possible. This error will be detected if the number of desired injections is above the maximum number of injections possible.
Reaction in EEM
The FC is stored and the warning lamp is activated. The CAN message indicates active fault. Engine power will be reduced (Degradation level 2)
First save the error log and then erase it. Restart the ECU after erasing the error log. If the fault occurs again during the next driving cycle, check the following paths:
Fuel filters service. Fuel filters are full and need to be changed.
Check the high pressure pump: Look for possible high pressure pump faults and inspect them accordingly (e.g. faults with the wiring and the connectors)
Check the high pressure pump operation or have the pump inspected by an authorized Bosch service dealer.
Check the condition of the fuel lines. Try to detect mechanical failure (eg. leakage or blockage).
Check the nozzles operation with Service Tool test function or have the injectors inspected by an authorized Bosch service dealer.
Check the pressure relief valve visually for impurities. If there are impurities, clean the valve or replace it with a new one. Tighten the valve according service manual.
Check the fuel rail and the condition of the related parts visually. Try to detect the possible leakage.
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