The airbag and steering wheel removal is required for a few repairs, including the steering column switches. When you remove the driver airbag, it is important you disconnect the battery and wait at least 30 minutes for any residual electricity in the system to dissipate. Make sure your steering wheel is centered and the front wheels are pointing straight ahead before you disconnect the battery.
Applies to:C350 (2007-14), C180 (2007-14), C200 (2007-14), C230 (2007-14), C250 (2007-14), C280 (2007-14), C300 (2007-14), C320 (2007-14)
Time: 1 hour
Tab: $0
Talent: 2
Tools: T30 Torx driver, 10mm Allen, breaker bar
Parts Required: Steering wheel, driver airbag
Hot Tip: Be sure to disconnect the battery and wait 30 minutes
Performance Gain: Access to components behind steering wheel
Complementary Modification: Replace steering wheel with upgraded model
Steering Wheel Airbag Removal Procedures:
Disconnect the negative battery cable (red arrow).Make sure it cannot make accidental contact with the battery,and allow 30 minutes for all the electricity to dissipate out of the vehicle.
With the wheels centered lower the steering wheel to the midway point and move it as for forward as possible (red arrow).
There are two access holes for the T30 Torx screws that hold the airbag to the steering wheel.They are located at approximately three and nine o’clock on the backside of the wheel.You will not be able to get a regular Torx driver in due to limited space between the steering wheel and dash,so I recommend you pick up a small set of collapsible Torx drivers.These make access simple and allow you enough grip to be able to loosen the screw.Insert the Torx into the hole (red arrow) and carefully feel around until it is seated fully in the screw.You have to do this by feel only so take your time so you don’t strip the screw.
With both screws fully loosened (they will stay in the wheel) pull the airbag away from the wheel.There are two electrical connections (red arrows) on a short wire so do not pull the bag away far.
Fully depress the two clips on each connection and remove them from the wheel (red arrow).Never pull these connections by the wires.Also,make sure the tabs are released before removing the connections.
This photo shows the rear of the airbag and the wiring.Once the airbag is removed,store it in a safe place facing up.If you connect the battery with the airbag removed it will cause a fault code and warning light that you will have to reset. If you do not connect the battery you can put everything back together without having to worry about this.
With the airbag removed you can see the 10mm Allen bolt (red arrow) that holds the wheel on.You will need to use a breaker bar and a friend to hold the wheel in place to get the Allen bolt loose.Do Not use the wheel lock to hold the wheel in place while you break the screw loose.
Mercedes uses a little Loctite on the bolt,and it requires a fair amount of force to break loose
Use white out,a marker or nail polish to mark the relationship between the wheel and the steering shaft (red arrow).This will help when reinstalling.
You can now remove the wheel from the colum.Installing is reverse of removal.Once the airbag is installed,reconnect the battery.
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