Scania Truck ALM Alarm System ALM 324 Micro Switch Short Error

Here is the instruction show you guide on how to repair Scania truck ALM alarm system 324 Micro switch front grille panel truck/micro switch B1(bus),short.

Scania Truck

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Micro switch front grille panel (truck)/micro switch B1 (bus), short-circuit

Error identification

The micro switch is short-circuited to the voltage supply.



Fault in the harness-to-component connector or cable harness to the micro switch.

Fault in the micro switch.

Fault in ALM control unit E7.



If the alarm system is activated when the fault code is generated the siren will sound.



The micro switch is out of order.



1 Disconnect the micro switch. Note whether a new fault code for an open circuit has been generated. If this is the case, the fault is probably in the micro switch.

2 Measure the pins in the nearest harness-to-component connector going to control unit pin A18.

3 Disconnect the harness-to-component connector on the control unit.

4 Measure for short circuits throughout the cable harness.

5 If there are a number of harness-to-component connectors between the micro switch and the control unit, then also measure these to locate the fault.

6 If the fault is not in the cable harness or the micro switch, it is probably an internal fault in the control unit.


For more information about Scania truck,please refer to:Scania Trouble Repair.

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