When you replace new steering angle sensor you need to initialize it,otherwise you will get B1168F2 DTC.In this instruction,car-auto-repair.com show you guide on how to use Launch X431 device to solve B1168F2 trouble code. And for more about VW repair,please refer to Volkswagen trouble repair.
Device Requires:
LAUNCH X431 IMMO (Amazon Official Shop)
Connect Launch X431 device to VW Passat 2019,run Launch X431 device to do systems scan
Steering Angle Sensor-No Initialization
Select “Guided Functions”
Press “Start”
Select “Power Steering”—“Guided Function”
Select “Basic Setting Steering Angle Sender-G85”
Start engine and press “Continue/Complete”
Turn steering until the first mechanical end stop is contacted.
The sequence left/right is insignificant.
Turn steering until the other Mechanical end stop is contacted.
Turn the steering back to its center position
Check yellow warn.
Lamp in instrument cluster.
Warn lamp in instrument cluster must extinguish.
Did the warning lamp extinguish.
Press “Yes”
The initialization of the steering sensor-G85 was successfully performed
Now just back to scan DTCs in all system,you will find B1168F2 disappeared.
More test report about Launch X431 please check:Launch X431 Test Report
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